Circular Genome View

How to use the Circular Genome View?

This tool is based on CGView (see What is Circular Genome View?).

When you select the Circular Genome View functionality you obtain a global circular map of the selected sequence. Circles display (from the outside):

  1. Gene GC percent deviation (gene GC% - genome mean GC%).
  2. Predicted CDSs transcribed in the clockwise direction.
  3. Predicted CDSs transcribed in the counterclockwise direction.
  4. Gene GC skew (G-C/G+C).
  5. rRNA (blue), tRNA (green), misc_RNA (orange), transposable elements (chocolate) and pseudogenes (yellow).

Genes displayed in (2) and (3) are color-coded according different categories:

  • red and blue, MaGe validated annotations ;
  • orange: MicroScope automatic annotation with a reference genome ;
  • purple: Primary / Automatic annotations.