
How to login?

After your account has been created, you will receive an automated message from LABGeM containing the required login information:


Dear annotator,

This is an automated message from LABGeM: your MicroScope account is now fully active.

The Microscope web interface URL is : https://mage.genoscope.cns.fr/microscope

Your login : your_username.

Your password : your_password

Please note that login data is confidential. You may not share your account with anyone, or allow anyone other than you personally to access or use your account.

Best regards, LABGeM Team

Use this information in order to login into your account and get access to private sequences and annotation rights.

On the Login Interface of the Navigation Menu (item #1), near the welcome guest message,

  • fill the username field with your_username

  • fill the password field with your_password .

  • then click on the LOGIN button.


  • If you already had an active account on the old MaGe version, your username & password for the new interface remain unchanged.

  • You can login from any window of the MicroScope interface; there’s no need to login from the homepage (or a specific webpage).

Once you’re logged, the Login Interface will be replaced by your Firstname, your Lastname and a LOGOUT button.

On your first login, you’ll be redirected to the Personal Informations Interface where you’ll be prompted to fill in or update required data before using the platform.


For security reasons, as soon as you finished your daily work, do not forget to click on the LOGOUT button in order to close the session and disconnect yourself from our servers.

Why can’t I connect directly to my Project?

Our first advice is « DO NOT PANIC! »

The Microscope projects still exists, but now the system is fully transparent for all users. Once connected to your account, you will have access to the full list of Public and Private Sequences according to your Project, and get the annotation rights as defined in your account settings.

You can manage your own set of preferred organisms (for exemple, your Project’s specific organisms) in a Quick Access Menu, by using the My Favourite Organisms.