
A metadata is a piece of data used to define or describe another piece of data. In the case of a genome, the data is the sequence(s) and the metadata can describe the shape of the cell, its motility, the temperature at which it grows best, the known metabolic pathways, etc.

This page presents the metadata available in MicroScope. Those metadata can be used in the Advanced Selector to select objects. Note that we only support qualitative metadata for now.

Species metadata

Currently, there is only one source of metadata associated to the species of the genome (identified by its NCBI taxid).

Source of data

Species metadata are taken from Joshua S. Madin et al., A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data. Sci Data 7, 170 (2020). This article unifies phenotypic and quantitative genomic traits from 26 sources. The description of all available data can be seen here. We use version 1.2.


For our use, we have selected 9 qualitative metadata which are described in the table below:

Selected metadata in MicroScope
Trait name Description Exemple values
Cell shape The typical shape of cells bacillus, coccobacilus, …
Gram stain Gram positive or negative Gram positive, Gram negative
Motility Capacity to move motile/non motile, gliding, …
Sporulation Can produce spores sporulating/non sporulation
Metabolism Oxygen usage aerobic, microaerophilic, …
Range tmp Coarse environmental preference mesophilic, psychrophilic, …
Range salinity Coarse environmental preference stenohaline, halophilic, euryhaline, …
Pathways List of metabolic pathways undertaken aerobic_anoxygenic_phototrophy, fermentation, nitrate_reduction, …
Isolation source Where the microbe was sourced from host, biofilm, soil, …

See the reference for more precise description and the meaning of the values.